The Novel of Spiritual Education: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (5 Points)

 In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, by J.K. Rowling, the first book of the infamous series we follow the adventures of our main character, a boy who is only eleven years old who grew up without his parents but instead in the house of his horrible aunt, uncle, and their son, his cousin, and went to a magical school, Hogwarts, in which he quarrels with I would say his rival, Draco Malfoy. Despite all the troubles he has gone through, Harry still carries a good-hearted and friendly nature, thus gathering his best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, with who he will eventually stay in contact for the rest of his school years, as well as beyond.

The amount of humility Harry shows is deemed a very likable trait and heroic one as even Dumbledore can see he is a good-hearted kid and Harry on multiple occasions will put himself in danger or put the lives of others above his own. Harry’s character is strengthened when met with he who shall not be named, as Voldemort is a selfish evil force only seeking his own goals while stepping all over those who worship him. Had Harry had different morals or intentions, he would have not been able to acquire the stone.

This also reflects how desire and greed are seen as faults. Just like in Junji Ito’s Uzumaki, those who continuously sought after more than they should’ve were either punished or doomed by their own avarice or shown as misled ignorant people. Even Dudley being one of the earliest character to show this, being the spoiled brat he is demanding outrageous demands. The physical embodiment of this in the book is the Mirror of Erised, the juxtaposition of Harry and Ron is shown, although Ron isn’t necessarily a bad person, it shows how Harry’s thoughts of desire are much different from most and Dumbledore explains to Harry how his biggest desire to be with his parents is a very pure and noble want. Then with the obvious example between Harry and Voldemort, and how Voldemort seeks out the Sorcerer’s Stone in hopes of eternal life.
